Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Barbara Berlusconi : Alexandre Pato's Girlfriend

Barbara Berlusconi was born in Arlesheim, Switzerland, on July 30, 1984, Barbara took the study of philosophy at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele. However, do not imagine his teenage years as a home-based child who obey and comply. A number of small rebellion became a hot issue in various media, ranging from tongue piercings as a teenager, until his refusal to join his father's Forza Italia party.

Part of Barbara is very focused on issues of morality. The role of ethics in business is the theme of the conference held in 2008 at Bocconi University, a major business school in Italy. Given the background of allegations of dirty business run by his father, this feels like a misnomer.

But, the mother of two children in self-defense and insisted that the theme of the conference rather than political motives.

''The conference is a way for me to believe in what I might do in the future. I'll have a great responsibility, and I will require a solid moral foundation,'' she said.

Until now, a number of responsibilities undertaken Barbara, among others involved in the arts, charity, and the board. She is also busy raising two sons, her sons with Giorgio Valaguzza banker who has become her husband for some time.

When 19 year old woman who was dubbed the 'princess rebels' by the Italian press was appointed as a board member who held his father's company, Fininvest. However, she chose to limit that role to get more experience.

When the tsunami ravaged Asia in 2004, he and a friend, Francesca Versace, Milano Young founded the charity. Initially, the foundation funding aid for tsunami victims before evolving into other issues, such as providing scholarships for foreigners studying in Italy. While in the arts, Barbara co-founded Cardi Black Box, an art gallery in Milan which also opened a branch in London.

With a myriad of different activities she lived, the blonde has not been able to ascertain what steps will be taken soon.

''There should be a very good reason for me to plunge into politics,''said the woman who claimed to have passion in the field of publishing.

Despite much criticism and condemnation are filed against her father, Barbara still support him wholeheartedly.

''Even though everything was against it, my father still fighting for his ideals. I admire that and hope to do the same.
But, with my goal itself. "

As the daughter of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Barbara Berlusconi often compared with Ivanka Trump, the daughter of a successful U.S. businessman, Donald Trump. However, it did not stop 26-year-old girls to be whatever she wants.

Being a Berlusconi in the pizza country, just like they came from a family with political power like a Kennedy. As the second daughter of billionaire Italian, Barbara also became the heir of his father's business empire that stretches from the TV industry, publishing, advertising, banking, insurance, and sports.

The mass media has become the family's core business. Through Mediaser kingdom and as head of government, Berlusconi is reported to have direct influence or indirectly, of more than about 90 percent of Italian television. However, the effect is not able to muzzle the opposition press is to report suspected financial irregularities company, and sexual awkwardness that is owned by Italian prime minister.

''It's true that I was the daughter of Mr Berlusconi. However, it does not stop people who self-contained with its own mind. Name Berlusconi appreciated by many people. Many believe him, and many people also feel a certain confusion.
I can not deny my family origin. But, I live in my own way,'' she said once.

Berlusconi's daughter confesses to Vanity Fair: "My boyfriends don't have to be of a specific type. I'm happy.  Alexandre is someone with whom it is great to share things". "He can't be sold? All the players can be sold"

Perhaps no one expected a manager with a degree in philosophy, considered the intellectual of the family, to go out with a footballer. "How hypocritical. Why does my partner have to be of a specific type? I prefer to follow my instincts. And my heart". He is Alexandre Pato, the Brazilian forward of AC Milan, not yet 22. She is Barbara Berlusconi, 27, a member of the board of directors of the family's football club, and she has been going out with the club's star for a few months now.

Her relationship with Alexandre Pato has been in the headlines for months. Was she ready to start going out with someone else? "No, but it happened, This relationship is not some kind of whim". So it's serious? "I would not go out with somebody unless I was in love with them". How are you living this moment? "I'm happy. Alexandre is someone with whom it is great to share things". You arrived at AC Milan and then shortly afterwards you started going out with one of the club's stars. Isn't that a bit risky? "I consider myself just like any other girl who falls in love with a boy who fascinated her"

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